Me: "Andrew, why do you keep poking that damn pepper?! LEAVE IT ALONE." A: "BECAUSE I'M A BOY AND THAT'S WHAT BOYS DO."
{10 minutes later.}
A: "Ow."
Me: "What happened?"
A: "....I picked my nose."
Me: "Wow."
Anthony: "Liz are you sick?"
Me: "Yes, hunny. I got some sort of icky bug."
Anthony: "Oh. ..Stop being sick."
Me: "Oh, ok. Thanks."
Ant: "Hey Liz, you know what?"
Me: "What, honey?"
Ant: "If I finish all my dinner, we can get ice cream."
Me: "Oh we can, can we? Well, we'll see."
Ant: "Yes, we can. I have to eat all my dinner and we can go get ice cream. What kind are you going to get?"
Me: "I don't know if we're going to get ice cream, honey, but you should try to finish your dinner anyway."
Ant: "I think we're getting ice cream."
Me: "Oh, you think so, huh?"
Ant: "Yep."
A: "Hey Ant, you know what?"
Ant: "What?"
A: "I love you."
Ant: "Hey Daddy, you know what?"
A: "What?"
Ant: "Is it ice cream time now?"
{Cue us laughing our asses off.}
Dude. Duuuuuude. Look at how long ago I posted! So much has happened! I'M SO SORRY!!!! I will hang my head in shame for being the worst blogger ever. I promise, promise, promise to post some more soon.
I think next up will be a 2 part-er about the raised bed garden Andy and I made and the fence we erected, possibly with a little aside about the "woodchucker" in our backyard and the a-hole bunnies.
Hugs and fishes,
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